Monday, 29 July 2013

Letter From Frazer

Today we got a letter from a classmate called Frazer who is in Scotland for three weeks. He is currently in Edinburgh and is enjoying it. When he was in Amsterdam his family was able to leave the airport and they got a tour up the canals. Hope you see this Frazer and enjoy the rest of your time in Scotland.
BY PJ and Grant.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Homework 29th July

Hi Room 15,

I hope you all enjoyed the break and are all relaxed and ready for a busy and exciting Term 3!

1.  Date and tidy up your diaries for Term 3.  Remember we only have 9 weeks.  Lots on make sure they are kept up to date and used.
2.  Spelling words reviewed and ready for testing on Friday.
3.  Review and master your Math-a-thon sheet.  Your target is 100 %!  Tested next week Thursday.  Spare copies are on our BIS Maths Blog.
4.  Make sure all newsletters and permission slips etc.. for the first week are read with your parents/caregivers at home and returned or sorted on time.

Enjoy the week.
Malcolm Hepburn

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Science fair

At the bis since fair we got to look at all the really cool science projects everyone was working on really hard. Some people got prizes like first second and third Harry and I got commended work. The people who got first second or third get to go to the inter schools and possibly win a prize. The science fair was really fun and we got to see tons of cool experiments made by other people. 

by Spider and Harry
On the 11th of july 2013 room 15 won the interclass basketball championship. The team was Kameran,  Nash, Sophie, olivia, Temeka, Alec and Billy. We played room 20 in the final the score was quite close at half time but in the second half we started to smash them. The starting lineup was Kameran, Nash, Billy, Sophie and Olivia.This is the second sport that we have won.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Science with Craig

The Isel team went to the top basketball court to see Mr. Maybe's science experiment. All we could see were washing liquids and an ice box full of dry ice. He put four bits of dry ice into two cups and poured cold water into one cup and hot water into the other. A reaction started to happen and the cup with cold water had steam coming out of it. The same thing happened to the cup with hot water and then he put washing liquid into both cups and then it started to blow up all these bubbles and whenever someone touched them they evaporated into smoke. It all looked really cool.

By Grant, Kameran and Will

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Homework 8th July

Hi Room 15,

Wow! Hasn't time just flown by!  Last week of Term 2!
We have some assessment this week to complete, so reports can be finalised and printed during the holidays, ready for you take home early Term 3.

1.  Complete last weeks homework sheet, no new work this week due to last week and this week being so busy.
2.  Spelling words reviewed and ready for testing on Friday.

Enjoy the week.

Malcolm Hepburn

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


On Tuesday the 3rd of July we had our rugby trials for the BIS Winter Tournament Teams with Mr Swain and Mr T.
As they were playing Billy fractured his thumb by fending Kamreran but he kept playing after that there were some great tackles and great try but all up it was awesome

Interschool XC

A couple of weeks ago some students from B.I.S competed in the Inter School XC at Rabbit Island. From our class:
 -Rhys 73rd in the Year 7 boys,
 -Katie 57th in the Year 7 girls,
 -Sophie 12th in the Year 8 girls,
 -PJ 3rd,  Billy 13th and Nash 52nd in the Year 8 boys.

So now PJ, Billy and Sophie are going to Teapot Valley to compete in the Inter Regional XC. They will be racing against runners from Christchurch and Wellington.

By Pj and Billy.