Monday, 24 February 2014

Homework 24th February

Hi Room 15,
I am looking forward to our bike ride to Rabbit Island on Wednesday!  Make sure you have reviewed your gear list and come to school ready for the ride.

1.  Worksheet completed and ready for marking on Friday.
2.  Spelling words and basic facts reviewed and ready for testing on Friday.
3.  School bylaws and uniforms signed by you and your parents by Friday.

Enjoy the week.

Malcolm Hepburn

Thursday, 20 February 2014


Room 15 played our first softball lunchtime game against Room 3.  Room 15 played a fair and well organised game and we won 43-60. We are all very excited about the win and hope we will win the rest of our games.

By Hunta

Monday, 17 February 2014

Homework 18th February

Hi Room 15,
A fantastic day at Bridge Valley!  Lots of team building, cooperation and fun!
We will post some photos soon!

1.  Spelling and basic facts reviewed each night as you will be tested on Friday.
2.  Homework sheet completed and ready for marking on Friday.

Enjoy the week.

Malcolm Hepburn

Monday, 10 February 2014

Homework 10th February

Hi Room 15,
Our first 'full' week coming up, so remember your diaries each day as we have lots on!

1.  Spelling words and basic facts reviewed each night as you will be tested on Friday.
2.  Worksheet which has been glued into your homework books, to be completed and ready for marking on Friday.
3.  Diary signed by parent/caregiver and handed in Friday.
4.  Goal setting to be completed, signed by parent/caregiver and handed in by Friday.

Enjoy the week.

Malcolm Hepburn

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Welcome to Room 15 for 2014!

Hi to everyone in Room 15,

A fantastic start to the year!  You are all STARS: working well and getting on with each other as we get to know each other.

I am looking forward to a great year with you all.

Homework Week 1:
1.  Spelling words and basic facts to be reviewed each night as you will be tested on Friday.
2.  Pupil profiles to be returned so the office (Sue) has your correct details on file.
3.  Diary signed.

Enjoy the week.

Malcolm Hepburn